Progress continues as Alaska Airlines negotiates a new, market-competitive flight attendant contract

We’re in active contract negotiations with our flight attendants through their union, the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA). We have a strong history of successfully negotiating with our union partners, reaching agreements that benefit employees while also securing the long-term success of the company.
Feb 13, 2024
2 min read

Progress continues as Alaska Airlines negotiates a new, market-competitive flight attendant contract

You’ve probably heard that we’re in active contract negotiations with our flight attendants through their union, the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA). We have a strong history of successfully negotiating with our union partners, reaching agreements that benefit employees while also securing the long-term success of the company.

We remain optimistic in the negotiations process. With six recently closed labor deals at the company and a tentative agreement reached in January for a new contract for our technicians, we’re hopeful to do the same for our flight attendants as soon as possible. AFA and Alaska leadership have met twice in the last three weeks and are continuing to bargain and meet with a mediator. Discussions have been productive and in the last two sessions, we reached four tentative agreements.

We respect our flight attendants’ right to communicate what’s important to them during the negotiating process. You may have heard about one recent step, called a strike authorization vote, which was conducted by the union. This type of vote is a common step in the negotiation process. It is not a call to go on strike right now.

The voting ends today, and the results could be released at any time. We expect our flight attendants will approve the measure based on previous industry votes.

Regardless of the vote results, this does not mean our flight attendants are on strike or about to strike. Our guests and operation will not be impacted by the decision in the near term or possibly at all. 

While talk of a strike is concerning, especially for our guests and the communities that rely on our service, it would not happen quickly. Many more steps would need to take place over many months, if not longer, before a strike is even possible. See below for an overview of the negotiations process.

Additionally, you may see off-duty flight attendants demonstrating in various hubs today as part of the union’s mobilization efforts. We respect and support the right of our flight attendants to engage in these activities and do not expect any disruption to our operation or service as a result.
