Alaska Airlines Offers Guests Next-Level Care, Cleanliness and Ease

We’ve thought through every single stage of your travels—from booking to boarding, and beyond—and implemented nearly 100 ways to keep you safe every time you fly with us.
Drawing on the expertise of the University of Washington Medical Center’s medical and infectious disease experts, Next-Level Care is our commitment to keeping you healthy and safe.
Here are some key things we’re doing to bring you Next-Level Care:
We’ve got you covered.
When you have to face the world, we want to make sure we’re all doing it safely—and with each other in mind.
Before your flight, you can make your trip as smooth and contact-less as possible with the Alaska mobile app, where you can check-in for your flight, check the flight status and generate a mobile boarding pass. You can also print your bag tags (touchfree) using the app at airport kiosks.
Starting June 30 guests will be required to take a health agreement during check-in to verify that they haven’t exhibited COVID symptoms in the past 72 hours, didn’t travel with someone who is symptomatic and agree to bring and wear a mask.
Studies show wearing a mask on board can significantly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. If you forgot your mask at home, we have them available upon request. Effective August 7, all Alaska guests will be required to wear a cloth mask or face covering over their nose and mouth (except for children under the age of two). Cloth masks or face coverings will be required on all flights, at ticket counters, throughout gate areas and in any other location where Alaska conducts business. Masks with valves, mesh material or holes of any kind will not be allowed. Guests who repeatedly refuse to wear a mask or face covering will be given a final warning—in the form of a yellow card—and may be suspended from flying with us for a period of time. If a passenger is unable to wear a mask or face covering for any reason, Alaska regretfully will be unable to provide them with travel. If you forgot yours, we have them available upon request.
We partnered with EO products to provide hand sanitizing wipes that are 99.9% effective at killing germs. At our airports, we’re rolling out additional hand-sanitizing stations in check-in lobbies and gate areas.
We have one of the newest fleets in the country which means our planes have the latest air filtration technology. Our planes are equipped with two hospital-grade HEPA filters that remove 99.95% of airborne particulates. Our air filtration system cycles outside air on board every 2-3 minutes. Studies have shown due to the frequency of air recirculation, cabin air filtration is comparable to what’s found in hospitals. Be sure to open your personal air vent after you’re seated.
Personal safety
Cleanliness has always been important to us, but the next level involves techniques that reduce the already low risk of onboard transmission.
Our cleaning team uses high-grade EPA disinfectant and electrostatic sprayers to clean critical areas of the plane. Learn more
At the airport, we’ve installed social distancing decals to remind people to ‘Mind Your Wingspan.’ The stickers, spanning 6 feet apart, help minimize crowding and promote distancing at ticketing counters, baggage drops, customer service centers and gate areas.
Our food and beverage service on board has been reduced to limit interaction. We encourage you to bring your own food and your own water bottle to fill before you fly #FillBeforeYouFly. You’ll also notice we have removed all seatback contents, except for the safety card, to limit the spread of germs.
Our care is always there.
Besides keeping our planes clean, we’ve rolled out a host of “Peace of Mind” policies to give our guests flexibility and more options.
We’re offering change/cancellation fee waivers for travel and are extending travel credit expiration dates, lounge memberships and extending elite status into 2021, visit for more details.

In partnership with the Alaska Airlines Foundation, Alaska Airlines continues to support the most vulnerable communities affected by COVID-19 and help local food banks across the country with our #MillionMealsChallenge.
We’re also partnering with organizations such as the Seattle Foundation and other local businesses to help our most economically vulnerable communities and deliver critical medical supplies. Learn more about how to get involved.
Learn more at
Photos by Ingrid Barrentine
- Breathe easy on your next flight with fresh, clean air on Alaska Airlines
- Experts say airplanes are among the safest indoor environments in the world
- More convenience––less contact! Alaska Airlines is making travel almost entirely touch-free
- Frequently asked questions about face masks & physical distancing
- Make your own no-sew mask in 6 easy steps
- Ben Minicucci: Our safety commitment to you when you’re ready to fly